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TechAcademy is BACK!

Whether you call yourself an entrepreneur or a small business owner, we at Innovation Portal know that you have a lot on your plate. That one title may mean that you are the CEO, the salesperson, the operations specialist. You’re HR, you’re marketing, and you’re any number of other roles that make your business run.

We recognize that running a business sometimes means it’s hard to take time to build the business. So we created TechAcademy to help. TechAcademy is an 8-week program that helps entrepreneurs without the technical background to find or build the solutions they need to help them run their business.

Through our partnership with the Regions Foundation, we are excited to be able to host two simultaneous cohorts of TechAcademy in 2024! As we’ve run before, our general cohort is built to help business owners to further the growth of their businesses using Tech, but this year, we’ll be adding a cohort built for Contractors. We know that you have some unique challenges as you work to grow your business and so this year TechAcademy has a cohort just for you!

If you’re interested in learning how you can use technology to build or grow your business, visit for more information or reach out to our program staff at Innovation Portal.

Program Partners

Regions Foundation

This program is made possible, in part, through the support of the Regions Foundation.

MBDA MobileCAN! Capital rediness program

This program was prepared by Innovation Portal using Federal funds under award MB23OBD0340330 from the Minority Development Business Agency, U.S. Department of Commerce. The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Minority Development Business Agency or the U.S. Department of Commerce


program info
